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- Acquisition of the Circa 1721 Noah Hallock Homestead
- Placement of Historic homes signs on several Rocky Point eighteenth and nineteenth century houses.
- Placement of sign of early African-American free farming community 1790-1850.
- Caretakers of Noah Hallock 1721 Cemetery. Restoration and replacement of damaged and missing headstones, plantings and annual cleaning.
- Replica of World War II Honor Roll sign at the Joseph A. Edgar School in September 2004
- Partners with Rocky Point School District in maintaining the Marconi “1902 radio building.” Newly restored and painted(2018) and dedication of sign in 2006 and 2007.
- Display of artifacts and archival photographs at local schools
3 different exhibits at High School in 2004, 2005, 2006.
1 in Frank Carasiti Elementary School
1 in Middle School
1 in Joseph A. Edgar Intermediate
- History of Joseph A. Edgar School in 2005. Printed booklet of biographies of interviews by students.
- May 2007 program with Frank J. Carasiti Elementary School classes K-Grade 2 at the Marconi building
- 2007 New York State Archives Student Research program with 4th grade students at the Joseph A. Edgar Intermediate School
- Historical programs offered during Rocky Point Historical Society meetings
- Archival photo display in local banks and restaurants
- Annual Tea with an historic theme.
- Publication of coloring book “Historic Rocky Point” with sketches by Rocky Point Jr. and Senior High School students in 2000
- Publication of the “Noah Hallock Cemetery book” in 1998
- Publication of “Slavery in Rocky Point, L.I., N.Y.” in 2007
- Publication of “Culross Drive” in 2016 and “Vessel Ashore” in 2018
- Shared history with Rocky Point Elementary School teacher, D. Falcone, who is putting together a curriculum of Rocky Point’s history for the various grades. He used our site to gather information for their online newspaper called the “Rocky Point Times” at (2017)
- “Vessel Ashore at Rocky Point: My Search for the Hallock Landing Shipwreck” PowerPoint presentations for the following: Miller Place/Mount Sinai HistoricalSociety(2017), The Port Jefferson Free Library(2016), Mr. Falcone’s 5th Grade Class(2018),Rocky Point Rotary Club(2017)